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Writer's pictureJellyfish

Never ask for your money back

This is how you really become independent. Not just financially. I mean, independent in life.

Let’s say somebody asks you for a favor. We all know what that is, right? We’re asking for somebody’s investment of their time with generally no strings attached… or are there? Generally, the definition of doing somebody a favor is to do something nice or helpful for them.

Hmm… but, you can owe somebody a favor right? What does that mean? Is that still a favor?

In my world I’ve experienced it in different ways. Ok, as a favor, you ask me to do the dishes for you and offer that you do the dishes next time instead. A clear value exchange. 1 for 1. Unless the dishes are twice as much this time then what they will be next time…

So, maybe you go, if you wash the dishes this time, I’ll wash your car on the weekend. Here, it maybe seems like better value, cause washing the car is probably more effort than doing the average amount of dishes. Now, my question to you (the reader) is, would you actually care, if I will wash your car personally or just, that your car will be clean after the weekend is over.

What’s my point?!

We are talking about value exchange under the condition of a foreseeable time frame.

The second part of this sentence means that we want our return value coming back to us at a certain time. A time that makes sense to us. Because if I would offer you to wash your car at any time in the future that feels right to me (maybe 20 years from now), this offer would probably lose value from your perspective.

But, what are we actually doing to ourselves when we agree to specific value exchange that can only be met under certain conditions?

We are narrowing down the possibilities of what our return value could be. We will only be 'even' when YOU wash my car. Unless, I will give you a massage. Maybe, you will agree to this deal because you consider it more valuable than getting your car washed. Who knows...

So, we are constantly making up our minds about how much we value things. This also changes drastically throughout our lifetime. My pink toy rat Erwin that I owned when I was 7 years old was the most valuable thing I owned back then. Nowadays, it's probably my guitar. My Iphone is so valuable to me right after I bought it, but a few weeks later I toss it around and don't care about a cracked screen. Our idea of value is constantly changing. And why is that? Because value is a feeling and our feelings change all the time.

I don’t know if you’re following me so far, but let’s look at our lives like this…

We always have choices to make. Our choices determine our path in life. Do I turn left or do I turn right? Do I eat pizza or pasta? Do I go surfing or skydiving? On a more basic level it’s a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question, based on what choice you value more/feels better. Any of these choices will have a different path and experience following them. Let’s imagine, I am completely conscious about the choices I make, therefore, I won’t regret any of them, because at the time I made the choice I was 100% sure it was the right one. It felt good.

Now, I’m walking through life happily with the highest level of confidence. I trust completely in myself and my abilities to make the right choices for myself. I’ve now taken responsibility for myself and therefore I’ve become independent of anybody or anything.

Now here is some insight about me. Some real life Jellyfish shit.

I’d like to tell you how I experience my existence. How I experience the world I’m creating daily. I know. Sounds super spiritual when I say it like that, but check this out.

Everything is connected. We know nothing, but there is no nothingness. This accumulation of energy what I refer to as Jellyfish is literally connected to everything in the universe. Everything within this universe is connected by space and nothing exists outside of it. If something would exist outside of our universe, unconnected, it actually wouldn’t matter to us because we would have no influence on it and it would have no influence on us.

So, everything is connected and everything is constantly transforming of energy. Everything is communicating. Giving out and receiving signals. For example like a wave that breaks on the shore. The energy goes one way and transforms into the air and sand, but then, it returns from another place. The ocean doesn’t expect to get its energy back from the same place the wave crashed into. All the ocean does is, it stays open to receiving energy from wherever it’s sent from. Could be a storm at the other end of the world or somebody doing a belly flop from the back of a cruise ship. Waves might come in different sizes, but the ocean never runs out of them. So, the strategy seems to be working.

Since everything is connected there is no loss of energy, only transformation of it. So, when I give something, at the same time, I’m also receiving something from somewhere else.

Like many other people in this world I grew up with a relationship to money which was ‘imbalanced’. At least I thought it was. I had the assumption, that I had to make money. At times I thought, I didn’t have enough money. I was hesitant to spend because I thought, I wouldn’t have enough afterwards.

Knowing what I know now, my relationship with life and therefore, also with money has come to place of balance. Money is not a separate thing. Everything is connected energy and we make our decisions according to value (feelings). If my friend asks me for 1000$ and I have 1000$ in my account, I clearly have the money he needs. Whether I give him the money used to be based on a feeling I'd have. If I tell him, ‘I don’t have enough money’, I’d be lying, because I actually do have 1000$. Even if this is the only money I have. An honest answer to give would be ‘I have the money, but I don’t want to give it to you, because I don’t like the feeling I get when I think about giving it to you.’

If I let my mind drift, I probably start worrying about how I won’t be able to buy food or pay my rent or… or… or…

Now, here comes the realization. Remember how we’re connected to everything?

If I give him the money without expecting to get anything from the same place the money goes to, I act like the ocean. I let the wave crash in one place and keep myself open to receiving from somewhere else. The receiving value might not come in the shape of money, but by law of nature it will come. It will be in the shape of an opportunity or in other words – a choice. Operating in this way will keep us in a continuous flow state. Literally we can’t get ‘stuck’ in situations in which we feel lack of something. We only get stuck, because we are expecting energy of a certain shape to come from a certain direction, maybe even at a certain time. Therefore, we would limit our frequency of receiving and block out all the opportunities being presented to us every day. It would be like a wave crashing into the shore and then the ocean stops and stares at the beach, waiting to throw a wave the other way.

Don’t fear. You don’t lack anything, ever. You are always enough. Not feeling 'complete' is only a mental concept, because everything is connected and every time you give, you also will receive. When you know and I trust in your connectedness, life will unfold for you in the most beautiful ways.

I’m experiencing it every day.



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